Convento e Igreja de Santo Antônio
From the Esplanade, the white silhouette of the monastery appears like a sweet anomaly amid skyscrapers. But once in front of the facade, madness and Largo da Carioca crowds seems suddenly disappear. The Franciscans chose the top of this hill to build a monastery (1608-1616), next to an old church, but later restored (1617-1620) in Baroque style. It was in this convent where Cariocas took refuge during the French invasion (1710). The church apse. decorated in carved and gilded wood, stands theatrically behind red curtains and contrasts with the sober central aisle white walls decorated with tiles on its bottom. You have to look in the upper frieze, which honors the Franciscan martyrs or dead. The sacristy is one of the most beautiful in Rio.
Type: Monument
Year built:1608
Address: Largo de Carioca 20050-008
Area: Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea, Lapa
Phone:+55 2122620129
Opening times:Mon-Fri 8:00-18h Tu: 7h-19:30 Sat: 8-11h, 15:30-17 Sun: Mass 10h
Style: Baroque, Colonial style
Area of interest: Architecture, History
Services: Religious temple
How to get there:
Closest station: Carioca LL1
Other stations: Carioca LL2
Cinelândia LL1
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