Confeitaria Colombo

The art nouveau tea room more elegant art and majestic of Rio, has glass windows, mirrors and ornaments of brass and wrought iron. You can have sandwiches, snacks, pastries and a lunch buffet with Spanish and Portuguese dishes at reasonable prices.
Founded in 1894, the Viennese tearoom, where during the Belle Epoque, was the meeting place of the Carioca elite, journalists, politicians, poets and businessmen. It retains its Art Nouveau decoration (1913), with a glass roof. Pastries, delicious salad buffet (in mezzazine, quieter), sandwiches and more elaborate dishes.
Address:Rua Gonçalves Dias, 32 20050-030
Area: Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea, Lapa
Phone:+55 21 2505-1500
Opening times:Mon to Fr: 9h-20h Sa: 9h-17h
Cuisine: Tapas, Traditional, Sandwiches, Brazilian
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: Classic, Very comfortable, design, afterwork, buffet
How to get there:
Closest station: Carioca LL1
Other stations: Carioca LL2
Uruguaiana LL1
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