Prédio da Petrobas

Built in 1969, is the headquarters of the state oil company. A 26 flat concrete and steel building. It was designed by Roberto Gandolfi, with metal feet and hollow pillars allowing Roberto Burle Marx to make hanging gardens. All this makes this building is one of the most interesting. The plot design was a national competition conducted by the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB)
Type: Building
Year built:1967
Address: avenida república do chile 65 20031-170
Area: Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea, Lapa
Author: Oscar Niemeyer
Style: Modern movement
Area of interest: Architecture
Services: Government
How to get there:
Closest station: Carioca LL1
Other stations: Carioca LL2
Cinelândia LL1
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Restaurants Nearby Prédio da Petrobas :
Bar Luiz, Bar da Ladeira, Confeitaria Colombo, Santo Scenarium, Asa Branca, Estrela da Lapa, Estudantina, Rio Scenarium, Bar Brasil, Nova Capela ,
Best attractions near Prédio da Petrobas :
Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco da Penitência, Convento e Igreja de Santo Antônio, Theatro Municipal,