Casa Cultural Banco do Brasil
Prominent place in the Carioca's cultural life Carioca, the BBCC occupies the former site of the Central Bank of Brazil. Bank architecture with a room and a round of marble columns topped by windows. A small museum of banking has been refurbished in the old offices. Exhibitions, shows, theater, film festivals ... to view the schedule.
Type: Building
Year built:1906
Address: Rua Primeiro de Março, 66 0010-000 / Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
email:[email protected]
Opening times:Tu-Sun:10h - 21h.
Area of interest: Music, Architecture, film, Dance, History, Painting
Services: Museum, Temporary Exhibitions
How to get there:
Closest station: Uruguaiana LL1
Other stations: Uruguaiana LL2
Carioca LL1
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Best attractions near Casa Cultural Banco do Brasil:
Banco Boavista, Praça XV de Novembro - Paço Imperial - Palácio Tiradentes, Monasteiro São Bento,
Nightlife Nearby:
Roda de Samba da Pedra do Sal, The Week , Trapiche de Gamboa,