Banco Boavista
Built in 1946. The facade of this brick building surprises by the curved glass curtain, between the pillars, illuminating the interior of the building. The west facade has one wooden brise-soleil adjustable as needed and the north facade has horizontal concrete vents. On the front panel there is a mosaic of Paulo Werneck. Inside is "The first Mass in Brazil", painted by Portinari in the year of the opening of the building.
Type: Building
Year built:1946
Address: Praça Pio X 118 20091-040
Area: Santo Cristo, Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea, Lapa
Author: Oscar Niemeyer
Style: Modern movement, Contemporary
Area of interest: Architecture
How to get there:
Closest station: Uruguaiana LL1
Other stations: Uruguaiana LL2
Carioca LL1
Recommended Features Nearby Banco Boavista
Restaurants Nearby Banco Boavista:
Confeitaria Colombo, Bar Luiz, Roda de Samba da Pedra do Sal,
Best attractions near Banco Boavista:
Casa Cultural Banco do Brasil, Monasteiro São Bento, Praça XV de Novembro - Paço Imperial - Palácio Tiradentes,