Marechal Floriano Square, known as Cinelandia by Cariocas in memory of the many cinemas that had, only the Odeon has survived, is the center of Rio and meeting place for political demonstrations.
Type: Square
Year built:1904
Address: Praça Floriano 20031-050
Area: Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea, Lapa
Author: Pereira Passos
Style: Neoclassical, Contemporary, Eclectic Style
Area of interest: Architecture, film, History
Services: Museum, Music Hall
How to get there:
Closest station: Cinelândia LL1
Other stations: Cinelândia LL2
Carioca LL1
Recommended Features Nearby Cinelândia
Restaurants Nearby Cinelândia :
Bar da Ladeira, Asa Branca, Estrela da Lapa, Bar Luiz, Bar Brasil, Carioca da Gema, Nova Capela , Confeitaria Colombo,
Best attractions near Cinelândia :
Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Biblioteca Nacional, Theatro Municipal,