
Excellent cuisine of Minas Gerais with a French twist. Dishes such as the galhinada caipira (chicken risotto with green bananas, beans and farofa). It has terraces offering wonderful views of above the palm roofs and downtown. Some Sundays afternoons there is live jazz.
In a very nice building with a garden and a privileged view of the city. Sophisticated Brazilian food. Reservations are required.
Address:Rua Aprazível 62 - Santa Teresa Rio de Janeiro 20241-270
Area: Santa Teresa, Centro, Gávea
Phone:+55 21 2508-9174
email:[email protected]
Opening times:Terça a Sabado e feriados 12h-23h, dom 12h-18h
Type: Restaurant
Facilities: Classic, Views, Very comfortable, terrace, design
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